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Sardine Risk Platform Updates - June 2023

Hi fraud and compliance experts!

At Sardine, we've been working hard to build meaningful enhancements to our risk platform, from our new capabilities like Custom Lists to Score-sum Rule Execution. In this product update, we’re highlighting some of the new features we've shipped over the last month:


  1. 💼 Crypto Transaction Monitoring
  2. 🕵️‍♀️Data Enrichment
  3. 📱Network Graph
  4. 🔐Dashboard Filters

New Features

1. Crypto transaction monitoring is now continuous and real-time

Sardine Crypto Transaction Monitoring

Transaction monitoring for wallets is now real-time and continuous. Continuously monitoring transactions avoids annual, quarterly, or monthly screening procedures or typically screening at high-risk events only. This makes it easier to generate alerts and provides new signals for BSA/AML risk management.

2. New Signals help us detect more scams and prevent money laundering

With True IP location, our customers can detect more possible sanctions breaches by identifying the true location of a device or user. Users in a sanctioned country will go to great lengths to cover their tracks with VPNs, proxies, and location spoofing. Sardine can look through these to find the true location and true IP.

With screenshot detection, Sardine can identify users at risk of being scammed before it happens. Often a victim is coached by a scammer to send screenshots of their account or progress; detecting this early can help prevent scams before they happen.

We’ve added at least 50 new signals in the past month (contact your account manager for a full breakdown)

3. Updated Network Graph helps you go faster

Remember the network graph? The network graph is now actionable. We added new smart plotting and mass actioning features, allowing the user to block/allowlist from within the graph for a 1-click fraud ring takedown. See fraud on the network graph? Click. Blocked. Done. We've also added smart plotting (we'll automatically group similar nodes in the graph together), with much more to come.

4. Our dashboard just became search & filter nerd heaven

We’re making Sardine more intuitive for users. We redesigned our main search view used to find customers and customer transactions. Including improved search, the ability to re-arrange the data by data type, new filters - search by phone and email risk level, and improved sidebar UI.

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About the author
Nikhil Srinivasan