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Sardine Risk Platform Updates - July 2023

Hi, fraud and compliance experts!

At Sardine, we've been working hard to build meaningful enhancements to our risk platform, from our new capabilities like Custom Lists to Score-sum Rule Execution. In this product update, we’re highlighting some of the new features we've shipped over the last month:


  1. 🔎 Device Intelligence Search Redesign
  2. 💼 Business Verification Enhancements
  3. 🌐 Crypto Transaction Monitoring
  4. 📲 Device & Login Review Queues
  5. 🪪 Single Sign On (SSO/SAML)
  6. ➕ Score-sum Rule Execution
  7. 📇 Custom Lists
  8. 🔎 PII Google Search Deeplink

New Features

1. Device Intelligence Search Redesign

The search function has been optimized for speed and efficiency, reducing the number of clicks needed to perform a query during an investigation. We're giving you greater control and flexibility over data presentation. Now you can rearrange data columns for better data comparison and analysis.

We also added the capability of sub-filters like VPN, emulator, session risk, and more. These new tools allow you to create targeted data groups for a more precise query. For instance, if you need to review all high-risk VPN sessions linked to a Chase bank account, you can initially filter sessions by VPN risk level, then narrow your search with the bank account filter. This results in a fine-tuned data set ready for your targeted investigation. We look forward to seeing how these changes improve your data analysis and investigations!

2. Business Verification Enhancements

Business Verification (TIN Report)

Tax ID Number verification allows you to verify that the businesses you are onboarding are registered US entities. With this feature, customers can set up rule-based automation that makes it harder for illegitimate entities to bypass the business onboarding process.

3. Crypto Transaction Monitoring

Crypto Transaction Monitoring

This feature will allow merchants to monitor blockchain wallet transactions continuously by providing a feedback hash. This will further enhance a merchant’s transaction monitoring posture, allowing for dynamic monitoring beyond the annual wallet screen. To learn more, check out our Screening API docs here.

4. Device & Login Review Queues

Device & Login Queues

This feature will allow merchants using Sardine for Device Intelligence & Behavioral Biometrics to create queues to review devices or logins checkpoint/rule alerts.

5. Single Sign On (SSO/SAML)

Sardine SSO & SAML

This feature extends our support for Single Sign-On (SSO) to Okta, Ping Identity, Microsoft, and over 20 popular enterprise SSO/SAML identity providers (IDP).

6. Score-sum Rule Execution

Sardine Score Sum Rule Execution

Merchants can craft weighted rule sets and determine risk levels based on a cumulative risk score. This should help merchants better understand whether a customer's behavior is risky or just an isolated event, leading to fewer false positives and increased fraud detection accuracy.

7. Custom Lists

Sardine Custom Lists

We’ve enhanced the Lists feature to enable merchants to create lists of customers for specific use cases and specify those lists in the rules editor to create logic around specific groups of customers.

8. Instant PII Google Search

Sardine PII Search Deeplink

We’ve added Google search capabilities to a user’s full name, phone number, and email address to shortcut clicks for Google results which may lead to a better understanding of the user being investigated.

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Nikhil Srinivasan